Kontakt Animal-balanced-products-clicker
Contact Form Animal Balanced Products Partnership for sale the clicker ring
ABP products and the Clicker Ring are trademarked and distributed through an authorized network of sellers.
The Clicker Ring should be available wherever possible where only fair and non-violent pet and pet products are on offer ... and / or modern dog training is done (forcefree-dog training).
For sales and distribution outside Switzerland make easy and with low shipping costs: I am looking for interested general importers for country-related sales of the Clicker Ring, make orders and deliveries of dog schools, seminar providers, shop operators, etc.
If you are interested or can help me with contacts, please contact me for further information and conditions with the following form or by e-mail: kontakt@animals-balanced-products.com
To ensure the abovementioned points, ABP concludes a partnership agreement with the exporters of ABP products, which defines the cooperation of the two partners, provides for a purchase discount and a non-binding retail price.
If you want to be a sales partner or importer of ABP products and clicker rings, use the contact form for your application!